Guess has recently launched a versatile and stylish collection of danity jewellery. This collection boasts the signature Guess intertwined G logo as the main element of its design. The Tropical Sun Collection is comprised of earrings, bracelets and necklaces that add a feminine touch to any woman's outfit. The great thing about the items within this collection is that they can easily go from being casual to more dressy depending on the outfit they are paired with. Guess has catered for women with different styles having models in all 3 colours; silver, gold and rose gold and both with and without Swaovski crystals. Take a look at some of the pieces below and shop now
Furthermore, one can also match a beautiful watch to complete their look. The 4G Luxe Analogue watch is the perfect option with engraved logos throughout both the strap and face. This watch is available in 3 colours, prices starting from €149.